Below is a detailed list of the businesses in which you might put your money in 2023–2024

Real estate business: is widely one of the businesses one can venture in, because it is very profitable and lucrative. but before I continue to emphasize more on this topic let us start by giving it a definition.

Real estate: is said they to be a landed property or structures like houses or any related
permanent property either man-made or Natural.

This business is consist of one’s Real property on lease or for sale. starting a real estate business.

There are some vital things you need to know to avoid failing in your field and they are listed below:

Real estate business is not for soft hearted people. Before you set to start up a real estate business, make sure you have done your necessary findings.

Try to have a see knowledge of what exactly you are going into. Some people go into real estate and make it there second or third source of income because they have the passion of being their own Boss.

Well, one of the things you need to know about starting a real estate business is, weather you are an agent or a team working together before you start getting an average figure of a real estate salary of “($44,507 per year)”, you need to start thinking like a CEO (the owner of the business) which also involves planning on getting the things listed below;

1. Write a real estate business plan: First of all, to set up a real estate business you need to
state out your plans on how to manage it to achieve something big or hug.

How to strategies your plan and also how to get customers for yourself, you must know when it’s time to talk business.

When writing your real estate business plan, make sure to pay very much attention to things that make you stand out in other business su-rounding you, bringing your personal and business identity together and using it to make wealth.

2. Have good time management: Before you start a real estate business, plan to have good time management. Incase you are like some set of people who likes the biggest part of their dreams to have more energy and time for somethings that is really light.

Some agent who is yet to set a real estate business neglects this plan and ended up revolving around lots of team
members and sends them to outwork the business which is never meant to be like that. One of the best automation factors in real estate is saving time.

If you are an expert you must know this, free up yourself sometimes to focus on things that generate revenue in your business.

3. Build a consistent marketing plan: before you venture into real estate business try to Build a constant marketing plan from the beginning, don’t let it be just to pass your license exam. Getting the best marketing strategy should also be part of your plan and also building your database on marketing and influencing should also be in your plans.

Once investors, customers or referrals start coming in, you would know how to handle them very well and remember that marketing in the internet is one thing that never sleeps.

4. Prospect consistently: in real estate, a shiny object syndrome is a very big problem but remains the most consistent agent that always wins. So before you venture into real estate, make sure you have chosen your prospecting system and stick to it. It was never a bad idea to optimize your SOI in the early days.

Always focus on the ‘mets’ in your database and you will be amaze in the volume of transactions you will start doing right away. Prospecting strategy is based on a simple schedule of mailers, phone number and emails. As a winning system, things doesn’t need to be complicated instead let consistency be your watchword.

5. Get a website: Be sure to create or get your real estate business website. This should be in your plans before you venture into the business.

97% of all customers uses the internet to search for a reliable real estate company which means that no matter how local your marketing is or looks, you still do need a web presence in other to attract and engage more leads online. It will cost some money upfront, but believe me creating a website for your business is a solid essential way to being a successful real estate company because immediately you have this asset in place, you can start moving toward a consistent blogging and social media strategy to generate more leads for your company.

6. Get a CRM: every business needs CRM which means a customer relationship management system that helps you organize your contacts and come up with actionable insights. Before you venture into real estate business, you need to plan on building your own CRM. With it you can lead your customers through relevant nurture campaigns based on automation to see process of the entire transaction.

The most important useful of this in real estate is the process of buying which has many different steps and long terms including multiple agents and more customers and leads.

7. Craft your ideal personal plan: in other to be successful in real estate business, you have to craft your ideal personal plan which will help you to set the right financial goals for your business. You have to specify a clear financial goals for your life.

Giving out commissions to other agents are great but normalize it because we all came into this business wanting
something bigger and better than what we had. So craft out the percentage of your commission but do not let it affect your business growth.

8. Nurture leads: If you are being contacted by a lead, they expect to hear from you because a follow-up system is crucial to long-term lead conversion. I tell you that 70% of people are not going to buy for 5 days Incase you’re waiting for those new leads to buy.

At the end you are going to close only 3% which will help you make some money to leave on and to archive more you have to learn how to follow up a lead conversation. You have to build such pipeline to get more leads in real estate.